Christmas Day At The Chemist

Christmas Day At The Chemist

Ending up in the hospital’s emergency department is by far the last place you want to end up on Christmas Day. If it isn’t broken, bleeding profusely or a matter of life and death than a visit to the chemist could be all you need. Luckily, Greg Keily Chemist is open 365 days of the year from 7am to 9pm and the helpful team there can help sort out your minor Christmas woes.

1. Wheelies

The thrill of opening a new toy on Christmas morning can often end in tears after a nasty fall from a new scooter, skateboard or bike. If all limbs are still where they should be some antiseptic and band-aids should be enough to set you right.

2. ‘Twas the night before Christmas…

There’s nothing worse than waking up on Christmas morning (early if you’ve got kids) and feeling last nights excess of Champagne taking form as a pounding headache. If you forgot to drink that litre of water before bed, never fear, Greg Keily is there (and open) for all your hangover needs.

3. Turkey terror

A slip of the knife may see that the Christmas turkey is not the only thing that is carved up on Christmas Day. If you think the wound requires stitches make your way to hospital but if it’s more of a surface wound then Greg Keily Chemist can help you out with an assortment of gauze, bandages and the like.

4. Beach Christmas

Many people on the Gold Coast head to the beach to celebrate their Christmas Day. More often than not, it’s one of the hottest days of the month so we recommend you stock up on sunscreen before you hit the sand. However, if you’ve forgotten to slip, slap, slop then stop in to see us for some after sun care.

5. Overdoing it

We all do it, even though we shouldn’t. Eating so much you feel like you’ll explode and drinking the esky dry is one way to come off second best on Christmas Day. If you want to relieve your discomfort, there’s a few remedies that will help soothe your heartburn and indigestion.